Professor Chris Hill and his postdoc Dr. Jamie Antonelli selected as 2016 LPC Distinguished Researchers

October 7, 2015

Professor Chris Hill and his postdoc Dr. Jamie Antonelli selected as 2016 LPC Distinguished Researchers

Chris Hill photo

Antonelli photo
Prof. Chris Hill and one of his postdocs, Dr Jamie Antonelli, have each been selected as LPC Distinguished Researchers for 2016. This fellowship is a highly competitive program that provides resources to help strengthen and expand the recipients research programs by facilitating their interaction with the LHC Physics Center (LPC) at Fermilab. The award consists of up to 50% salary remuneration, a $10,000 travel allowance, and is tenable for one year. The LPC Distinguished Researcher Program at Fermilab, is designed to help build and maintain the strength of the CMS Collaboration and is made possible by funding from the US DOE, US NSF, and Fermilab.  

Congratulations Chris and Jamie!