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Prof. Pierre Agostini to be honored by in Paris

July 1, 2013

Prof. Pierre Agostini to be honored by in Paris

Pierre Agostini smiling with blank wall in the background

The contributions of Prof. Pierre Agostini will be honored by a special symposium at the 4thInternational Conference on Attosecond Physics to be held in Paris from July 8-12, 2013.  

SYMPA- a SYMposium in honor of Pierre (Agostini) and Alfred (Maquet)

As a related event to ATTO2013 conference, a special Symposium will be held in the afternoon of Monday 8 to honor the many scientific achievements of two pioneers in the field of attosecond science, Pierre Agostini and Alfred Maquet. The Symposium will consist of talks and reminiscences by colleagues and friends on the impact that these two extraordinary careers have had on shaping attosecond science. Visit the ATTO2013 website for details: http://atto2013.celia.u-bordeaux1.fr/index.php/symposium

 Congratulations Pierre!