OSU Physics led group is awarded $6.34M grant from DARPA

February 5, 2018

OSU Physics led group is awarded $6.34M grant from DARPA

 Professor Mohit Randeria

Professor Mohit Randeria is lead PI on a new grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) entitled: “Skyrmions in B20 and Oxide Heterostructures: A Platform for New Magnetic Memory”



Graphic depiction of a skyrmion

A new paradigm for high density, energy efficient magnetic information storage is essential to meet the rapidly intensifying need for high performance computation and information processing, key foundations for the world’s economy. The magnetic “skyrmion” is a nano-scale, topologically stable spin texture that can be written, read and manipulated to meet that need.  The six member Ohio State team has won $6.34M funding to pursue over the next three and a half years their ambitious approach to unlocking the technological potential of skyrmion-based memories using novel magnetic materials.

The OSU team is one of a handful of successful teams to win this award in an international competition as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program on Topological Excitations in Electronics. The research at Ohio State will build on the demonstrated expertise and accomplishments of the team members, and their ongoing collaborations funded by the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), an NSF-MRSEC, the Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials (ENCOMM), and the Institute for Materials Research (IMR).

The OSU team consists of :

PI: Mohit Randeria (Physics) Pictured above and Co-PIs in order:  Jay Gupta (Physics), P. Christopher Hammel (Physics), Roland Kawakami (Physics), David McComb (Material Science and Engineering), Fengyuan Yang (Physics)



Jay Gupta smiling in front of whiteboard
Chris Hammel photo
Roland Kawakami photo
McComb photo


Fengyuan Yang photo

This award builds on the important contributions of our students and post-docs, including Adam Ahmed, Vidya Bhallamudi, Bryan Esser and James Rowland, to the research on magnetic skyrmions at Ohio State.

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Congratulations to all!