NSF Awards $500K Grant to Ohio State’s Geraldine Cochran to Support Nationwide INCLUDES Project

June 6, 2024

NSF Awards $500K Grant to Ohio State’s Geraldine Cochran to Support Nationwide INCLUDES Project

Headshot of Professor Cochran with plain grey background

Geraldine L. Cochran, Associate Professor of Physics at OSU, conducts equity-oriented, physics education research.

Cochran was recently awarded $500k from the National Science Foundation to support a nationwide project to modify the structure of introductory physics courses to support students with various levels of math preparation. This project brings together researchers, physics instructors, and engineers to rethink, document, and evaluate innovative models of teaching introductory physics. In particular, these courses reduce math requirements and instead implement quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills alongside physics content in the introductory courses.

The research collaboration led by OSU includes the University of Washington, Rutgers University, and Lamar University. At OSU, Cochran will collaborate with the CARE Office in the College of Engineering - which supports student persistence in engineering. Collaboration with such programs is an integral part of creating and understanding efforts to develop transformative curriculum that supports the needs of all students.

This INCLUDES project will connect to a new Physics 1248/1249 course being taught by Professor Cochran at OSU this coming fall.

Congratulations, Professor Cochran!

Headshot of Professor Cochran with plain grey background