New Partnership with AFIT Supports Innovative Teachers
Computer simulations and computer science are increasingly part of the toolkit of modern science. At OSU physics there is no shortage of examples of this, from the cosmological simulations performed by the Center of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (CCAPP) to the quark scale simulations done by our high energy and nuclear theorists and everything in between.
Unfortunately, science and math classes do not always reflect how important simulations have become to scientific research. OSU Physics Prof. Chris Orban has been working to change this through the STEMcoding project ( The STEMcoding project is a collection of science and math focused coding activities aimed at the high school level. Many current and former members of the physics department have contributed to the STEMcoding youtube channel ( STEMcoding activities are also a regular part of the ASPIRE camp for high school girls.
This summer, for the first time, Prof. Orban is partnering with the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in Dayton to help teachers integrate computer science into math and science classes. The new program is supported by funds from Department of Defense division of High Performance Computing (DOD HPC). One or two teachers will earn $1,250 per week to work with Prof. Orban to develop innovative new activities for their classrooms that mix science, math and computer science concepts. Prof. Orban is trying to get the word out to teachers in Ohio.
More information about the position is available at this link:
If you would like to meet Prof. Orban and get a free STEMcoding sticker please come to our department open house on March 21 in celebration of the 150th anniversary of OSU. You can also follow @STEMcoding on twitter and instagram to learn more about the project.