Distinguished Staff and Lecturer Awards Announced at Spring Picnic

April 25, 2024

Distinguished Staff and Lecturer Awards Announced at Spring Picnic

Aerial shot of the PRB atrium during Spring Picnic

Annually, three staff persons in the Department of Physics are awarded the John G. Whitcomb Distinguished Staff Award. This award was established to recognize exceptional accomplishments, leadership, and service to the Department of Physics and its missions of research, teaching, and service. Award winners received a cash bonus and a trophy which were presented by Chair, Michael Poirier, at the annual Department of Physics Spring Picnic.

This year, our three winners, nominated by peers in the Department of Physics, were Jessica Middleton, Bob Concitis, and Ruth Leonard! Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work in our department!


Also awarded was the new Outstanding Lecturer Award. This award is open to all lecturers and senior lecturers with at least one year of service in the Department of Physics, and is given to recognize exemplary contributions to the Department of Physics by a lecturer. This award was presented by Vice Chair, Tom Gramila, at the Spring Picnic on Tuesday.

This year, our award winners were Beatriz Burrola Gabilondo and Chelsea Hendrus. Congratulations, and thank you for your service in the physics department!

From left to right, Jessi Middleton, Bob Concitis, Ruth Leonard, and Chair Michael Poirier

From left to right: Jessica Middleton, Bob Concitis, Ruth Leonard, and Chair Michael Poirier

From left to right: Vice Chair Tom Gramila, Beatriz Burrola Gabilondo, and Chair Michael Poirier

From left to right: Vice Chair Tom Gramila, Beatriz Burrola Gabilondo, and Chair Michael Poirier

Not pictured: Chelsea Hendrus