Death of Emeritus Professor Gary Steigman

April 17, 2017

Death of Emeritus Professor Gary Steigman

Steigman at retirement

Pictured are Jim Beatty (former chair of  Physics), Prof. Steigman, Gordon Gee (former OSU President) and Brad Peterson (former chair of Astronomy).

It is with great sadness that we announce that Emeritus Professor Gary Steigman died on April 9, 2017.  Professor Steigman retired in 2012 after having served a joint appointment in Physics and Astronomy at OSU since 1986.  Gary was a Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and was a driver in the establishment of the very successful OSU Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (CCAPP) which spans both physics and astronomy.

Prof. Steigman played a pivital role in the development of modern cosmology and continued his research interests beyond his retirement.

Gary is survived by his wife and partner of 37 years, Sueli Viegas and step-daughter, Cibele Aldrovandi and step-son, Leonardo Aldrovandi, both from Brazil.

The departments of Astronomy and Physics both mourn the loss of our friend and colleague.

Columbus Dispatch Obituary