Computational Physics Certificate Program

February 23, 2024

Computational Physics Certificate Program

Photo looking over the shoulder of two people coding and looking at a computer

The Department of Physics is pleased to announce the new Computational Physics Certificate program starting autumn semester 2024! Computation is an integral part of modern science and the certificate in computational physics is designed to educate students in computer simulation of physical systems. A certificate in computational physics proves to a future employer or graduate program that the student is skilled in modeling physical systems and delivering solutions through computer programming. 

Required Courses (7 credit hours)

Physics 5680: Big Data Analytics in Physics (3 credits) 

Physics 5810: Topics in Computational Physics (4 credits)


Elective (choose 2 classes; 5-6 credit hours total)

CBE 5780: Molecular Dynamics Simulations (3 credits) 

Math 3607: Beginning Scientific Computing (3 credits) 

CSE 5361: Numerical Methods (3 credits) 

STAT 3201: Introduction to Probability for Data Analytics (3 credits) 

STAT 5730: Introduction to R for Data Science (2 credits) 

ECE 5510: Introduction to Computational Electromagnetics (3 credits) 

Math 5601: Essentials of Numerical Methods (3 credits)


Credit hours required: A minimum of 12.  


Overlap with degree program: A student is permitted to overlap up to 50% of credit hours between other degree program (major, minor, other certificate, or general education) and the certificate program.  


To enroll: Email Lindsey Thaler ( or David Zach ( starting August 2024 to request enrollment or additional information.



Read more on the College of Arts and Sciences website, linked here.