Autumn 2015 Holofest features lectures by Betsy Connors and Sam Moree
Once again the OSU Holography Club is pleased to host Betsy Connors and Sam Moree, two world reknowned holographers at its end of Semester Holofest. Autumn Holofest 2015 will be held in 0006 Smith Lab on Friday December 4 and Monday December 7 with Betsy Connors speaking at 3 pm on Friday and Sam Moree speaking at 2 pm on Monday. A reception and opening of the exhibit will be at 5-8 pm on Friday December 4. Refreshments will be served.
The exhibit of OSU student holographic art work and that of our professional artists will be on display.
THis is a free event open to the public. Please stop by to see the great work our students are doing and the work of these well known professionals.
Anyone wishing to view the exhibit and unable to attend on Friday or Monday can contact Harris Kagan at to view on Saturday and Sunday.
(photo is a rainbow hologram by Sam Moree).