Assoc. Prof. Yuanming Lu awarded Outstanding Young Researcher Award

February 19, 2021

Assoc. Prof. Yuanming Lu awarded Outstanding Young Researcher Award

Yuanming Lu smiling in front of PRB Atrium

Prof. Yuanming Lu who was recently awarded  the Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA Macronix Prize) by the International organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (OCPA) for " his leading theoretical investigation on the topological phases in strongly interacting systems."

The OYRA (Macronix Prize) is given annually to one to two physicist(s) and/or astronomer(s) of Chinese ethnicity working in North America, Europe, or other regions outside Asia, to encourage and recognize the young researcher’s contributions in physics or astronomy. The award to each recipient will carry a cash prize of U.S. $2000, thanks to the generous support of the Macronix Education Foundation, an education program of Macronix International Co., LTD

red and black overlapping rings


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