ASPIRE - summer camp for Female High School Students - taking applications

May 12, 2015

ASPIRE - summer camp for Female High School Students - taking applications


The second annual ASPIRE (Achieving in Science through Physics Instrumentation, Research and Exploration) workshops (two this year!) will be held in the Physics Research Building at Ohio State University August 10th-13th and August 17th-20th, 2015.

The workshops are for high school female students who will be entering the 10th or 11th grade in the Fall 2015.  Participants will get their hands on physics equipment and software used by physicists and learn about physics research.  In last year’s 2-day workshop, participants worked on two separate radio-themed projects and learned to make measurements with oscilloscopes and perform calculations with the Mathematica program.

If you are interested in participating or know of a female high school student entering 10th or 11th grade in the fall of 2015, go to for more details and to register.

The deadline for applications for this year’s workshops will be June 15th, 2015.