3rd Attosecond School Draws Record-High Attendance!

April 28, 2022

3rd Attosecond School Draws Record-High Attendance!

Attosecond school cropped

The 3rd Attosecond School, co-organized by The Institute for Optical Science, drew all-time, historically high numbers during it's online session March 21-25, 2022.

The Attosecond School accumulated so much interest that the hosts needed to convert the online meeting to a Zoom Webinar to accommodate the large number. Over 420 students, researchers and postdocs from over 145 different institutions around the world registered for the event! With 10 outstanding lecturers from 7 different Institutions, the school facilitated a lively, interactive Question and Answer session with each speaker. Several of the lecturers commented on the high quality of discussion and learning.

The co-Directors of the school are Louis DiMauro and Mauro Nisoli. The school was co-sponsored by iOS, Politecnico-Milano and the COST ATTOCHEM action.


Below is the flyer for the school highlighting the Invited Speakers.

Attosecond School


More information about the school can be found here: https://www.attosecond-school.it/