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Graduate Courses


Physics 617

Electronics for Physicists

5 credits

An intensive introduction to electronic circuits, devices, and instrumentation with emphasis on laboratory experience.
one 2-hour class, two 3-hour labs. Prereq: 263 or grad standing.

Physics 670

Physics for In-Service Teachers

Su | 1-15 credits

Designed to deepen teachers' understanding of basic physical concepts and methods of treatment of selected topics; includes lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and individualized laboratory work.
Prereq: 15 cr hrs in physics, teaching experience, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 cr hrs. Intended for secondary school science teachers.

Physics 801

Seminar in Physics

Su, Au, Wi, Sp | 1 credit

Seminars will be conducted by various members of the staff on topics of current interest in their fields of specialization; students will participate in the presentation and discussion of material.
Prereq: Acceptable specialized courses and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 816

Topics in Physics

Su, Au, Wi, Sp | 3-6 credits

Laboratory and/or theoretical work on an individual basis on topics of current interest.
Prereq: 616 or equiv and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 821

Classical Dynamics

Au | 4 credits

Lagrangian dynamics, variational principles, Hamilton's equations, canonical transformations, symmetries and conservation laws, small oscillations, normal coordinates, and classical fields.
Prereq: 664 or equiv.

Physics 822

Elasticity and Fluid Mechanics

4 credits

Elasticity of solids; stress and strain tensors, dislocations; fluid mechanics; ideal and viscous fluids, chaos, and turbulence.
Prereq: 821 or permission of instructor.

Physics 827

Quantum Mechanics I

Au | 5 credits

Postulates and Schroedinger equation, linear vector spaces, one-dimensional problems, path-integral formulation of quantum theory; multiparticle systems, symmetry, orbital angular momentum, and central potentials.
Prereq: 633 or equiv or permission of instructor.

Physics 828

Quantum Mechanics II

Wi | 5 credits

Spin angular momentum and its dynamics; addition of angular momenta; variational method; time-dependent and time-independent perturbations, semiclassical treatment of electromagnetic radiation.
Prereq: 827.

Physics 829

Quantum Mechanics III

Sp | 5 credits

Quantized electromagnetic radiation; scattering theory; density matrix; Dirac equation, relativistic hydrogen atom; Hartree-Fock theory, atoms, and molecules.
Prereq: 828.

Physics 830

Quantum Mechanics IV

4 credits

Systems with several electrons, exclusion principle; applications to atoms and molecules, and to scattering; Hartree-Fock approximation; Dirac equation for free electrons and for hydrogen.
Prereq: 829.

Physics 834

Electromagnetic Field Theory I

Au | 4 credits

Boundary value problems involving static electric and magnetic fields, fields in material media.
Prereq: 656 or equiv.

Physics 835

Electromagnetic Field Theory II

Wi | 4 credits

Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation by simple systems, wave guides.
Prereq: 834 or permission of instructor.

Physics 836

Electromagnetic Field Theory III

Sp | 4 credits

Special theory of relativity, dynamics of relativistic particles, collisions between charged particles, energy loss, scattering, radiation by moving charges.
Prereq: 835 or permission of instructor.

Physics 846

Statistical Physics I

Wi | 4 credits

Physical thermodynamics and introduction to statistical physics; fundamental postulates, entropy, thermodynamic potentials and changes of phase; microscopic expression for entropy and basis of classical ensemble theory.
Prereq: 622 and 664 or equiv.

Physics 847

Statistical Physics II

Sp | 4 credits

anonical and grand ensembles; Quantum statistical mechanics; density matrices, partition functions, Bose and Fermi gases; Debye specific heat; black-body radiation; Bose-Einstein condensation; interacting systems.
Prereq: 846 and 828.

Physics 848

 Advanced Statistical Physics

4 credits

Interacting systems; Ising and Heisenberg models of magnetism, theory of dense gases and liquids, phase transitions and critical phenomena; non-equilibrium statistical physics, Boltzmann equation.
Prereq: 829 and 847, or permission of instructor.

Physics 880.02

Advanced Topics: Elementary Particle Physics

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter: Elementary Particle Physics.
Prereq: 828 or permission of instructor. Repeatable.

Physics 880.05

Advanced Topics: Nuclear Physics

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter: Nuclear Physics.
Prereq: 828 or permission of instructor. Repeatable.

Physics 880.06

Advanced Topics: Condensed Matter Physics

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter: Condensed Matter Physics.
Prereq: 828 or permission of instructor. Repeatable.

Physics 880.08

Advanced Topics: Theory of Quantized Fields

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter: Theory of Quantized Fields.
Prereq: 828 or permission of instructor. Repeatable.

Physics 880.20

Special Topics

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter: Special Topics.
Prereq: 828 or permission of instructor. Repeatable.

Physics 999

Research in Physics

Su, Au, Wi, Sp | 1-18 credits

Research for thesis or dissertation purposes only. Repeatable.
This course is graded S/U.