Colloquium - Jay Gupta (The Ohio State University) - "Scanning tunneling microscope studies of nanostructures built one atom at a time"

Jay Gupta smiling and standing in front of computer hard drive
September 18, 2012
All Day
1080 Physics Research Building, Smith Seminar Room - Reception at 3:45 p.m. in the Atrium

Nanostructures are an intermediate state of matter between isolated atoms and bulk materials, and can have very distinct properties that depend on the physical size of the structure, and the local environment in which the structure resides. We use a low-temperature, ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to study how the properties of nanostructures emerge at the atomic scale. Using this instrument, we can image surfaces with atomic resolution, probe electronic or magnetic properties with tunneling spectroscopy, and build structures one atom at a time. My group exploits these capabilities for studying problems related to next-generation energy and information technologies.

Dr. Gupta's Website