Stars visible to the naked eye typically have angular diameters on the order of one milliarcsecond (mas), while a handful of red supergiants extend for a few tens of mas. Revealing details across and outside stellar surfaces, such as starspots or transiting exoplanets, requires imaging with resolution measured in tens of micro-arcseconds (mas). The Rayleigh criterion requires kilometer-scale interferometric baselines to achieve this level of angular resolution in the visible waveband. Astronomical imaging with multi-kilometer interferometry has previously been achieved only by radio/sub-mm interferometers such as VLA, ALMA, VLBA, and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).
Recent advances in optical telescope design, photodetector efficiency, and high-speed electronic data recording and synchronization have created a new observational capability to achieve unprecedented angular resolution for several thousand bright (m< 6) and hot (O/B/A) stars through a modern implementation of Stellar Intensity Interferometry (SII). During the next decade, arrays of optical telescopes will perform SII over multi-kilometer baselines, allowing visible band imaging with an angular resolution better than 40 m arc-sec.
In this talk, I will describe science investigations that will be enabled by m arc-sec astronomical imaging in the visible. This observational capability can provide new insight in a broad range of astrophysical topics including stellar structure and evolution, improvements in exoplanet mass estimation, and the direct imaging of fast stellar rotators and high-mass binary systems. We describe recent advances in the development of the technique, including recent ~500 m arc-sec measurements of stellar diameters performed by the VERITAS-SII observatory in Spring 2019. The talk also describes the expected optical imaging resolution of VERITAS-SII and the future kilometer-baseline CTA IACT Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain and Paranal, Chile). We conclude with potential capabilities of future Very Large Intensity Interferometer (VLII), which could employ a reconfigurable array of optical telescopes deployed in multi-kilometer baselines. VLII would allow field of view and angular resolution to be reconfigured to meet the requirements for specific astronomical targets, analogous to VLA and ALMA.