Interested in supporting a specific area?

- 308686 Physics Senior Alumni Award Fund: Reward Outstanding Senior Physics Major
- 309552 Helen Cowan Memorial Fund: Support of Undergraduate program in Physics
- 647470 The Angela Marie and Mary Francis Valentino Physics Academic Achievement Scholarship Fund: Scholarships for highly talented prospective and/or current undergraduate physics major- renewable for four years with satisfactory progress
- 315358 James L. Smith Student Support Fund: provides scholarships for undergraduate physics majors at the discretion of the physics department chair or his/her designee

- 642703 Graduate Path to Industry Fund: Provides assistance to graduate students enrolled in the Department of Physics with preference given to students who demonstrate a desire to work in industry upon completing their degree
- 312254 Physics Graduate Research Fund: Provides support for research and related expenses for Graduate Students in Physics
- 663159 The Dr. Clifford Heer Graduate Student Scholarship Award Fund in the Dept of Physics: annual scholarship awards to graduate students studying physics
- 313697 Riley Excellence in Teaching Fund: To award graduate students for teaching excellence in recitation or lab sections of course sequence Physics classes

- 644728 McMaster Physics Research Fund: Income provides research support for a distinguished senior faculty member
- 646758 Alva W. Smith Memorial in Physics: Provides faculty support in the Department of Physics, as approved by the department's chair
- 647601 John Wilkins Endowed Professorship of Physics: Supports a rotating professorship position in the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics focused on exceptional and cutting-edge research in any physics

- 641080 The Robert P. Caren Family Endowment Fund: Stipends for undergraduate students who are conducting research supervised by members of Physics faculty
- 640449 Biard Scholarship Fund: Undergraduate research scholarship(s) to a student(s) enrolled in College of Arts & Sciences, Division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, majoring in physics
- 605784 E. Leonard Jossem Physics Education Advancement Fund: support graduate level students in college of NMS who are conducting physics education research.
- 607394 Undergraduate Physics Research Endowment Fund: Income provides Undergraduate Scholarship support for one or more students.
- 667130 Tanaka Endowed Fund
- 602275 Fowler Physics Research Fund: Income Provides Research Support for a Distinguished Senior Faculty Member

- 312405 Undergraduate Women in Physics Service Scholarship: Scholarship on basis of commitment to Physics/Engineering Physics and Physics Dept. Service to Physics community and demonstrable financial need.
- 313441 Physics Outreach Fund: support community and school outreach for the Dept of Physics, including visit, demonstrations and other activities to promote Physics
- 313987 GRASP (Girls Reaching to Achieve in Sports and Physics) - supports ongoing outreach efforts to middle school girls with the message that physics can be fun.
- 315288 Graduate Bridge Program Funds: support for Physics Graduate Bridge Program for under-represented minority students.
- 661080 The Bunny and Thomas Clark Scholarship Endowment Fund: Supports Educational Diversity at the university; Desire for the scholarship to be awarded with attention to Female Student enrolled in Dept of Physics

- 313519 CCAPP Support Fund: To support the OSU Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics
- 665932 Dr. Pliny A. and Margaret H. Price Endowment Fund in the CCAPP – provide cash award to support promising your scholars visiting the CCAPP
- 640448 Biard Lecture: Supports a lecture series in Department of Physics, College of Arts & Sciences, Division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences. Lecturer will be world class physicist or astrophysicist

- 301915 The Physics Building Fund: Contributions and Expenditures related to the PRB.
- 312762 The Physics Faculty Research Support Fund: Funds to help with startup equipment for new faculty are urgently needed. A startup package for a single new faculty commonly reaches $1M
- 605783 Physics Dept Equipment: Income and Principal, if needed, is used at the Discretion of the Department of Physics Chairperson
- 310865 Physics Commons: To create and maintain an area in the PRB which will be conducive to student/faculty interaction
- 312844 Steele Fund: To support computing and network infrastructure in the Physics Research Building

- 302325 Physics Chairman’s Discretionary Fund: Provides the chair with the flexibility to fund small but urgent academic and research priorities as well as the ability to host important community building events within the department.
If you cannot find a fund that matches your interest in giving to Physics, are interested in starting your own fund or would like to discuss an estate gift, please contact Rick Harrison for assistance in connecting your interests to needs in the Physics Department.