The OSU Physics Department supports the student developed and run, Physics Graduate Student Council (PGSC), which is the representative body for physics graduate students at Ohio State. The PGSC is an active and engaged group that advocates and facilitates communication and activities between the department and graduate students on all matters of mutual interest. The PGSC holds quarterly meetings and meets regularly with the department chair and vice chairs to discuss issues of concern as raised by the graduate student body. The council also hosts regular social events, mentors new graduate students, helps publicize graduate student research opportunities, organizes an annual graduate research poster competition and "core-course" faculty teaching awards, and generally enhance the social, academic and reserach experience for all physics graduate students. As such the PGSC has developed some great resources for incoming graduate students. Please feel free to browse their First-Year Survival Guide, and their website as a whole.
First Year Survival Guide: https://u.osu.edu/pgsc/resources
PGSC Website: http://pgsc.physics.osu.edu/
Guideline for food at events in the PRB
The rule of thumb is that you should always wait for the invitation to take food from an event that you were not specifically invited to. This can be either verbally from a faculty or staff member in charge of the event or via an email from the front desk like this one below announcing leftovers. If you don’t know what an event is about that has food in the Atrium, then you were probably not invited to it. Most events do have left overs that they share with others in the department and the front desk is diligent about sending out email to let everyone know. Often there is not a lot left over so they will try to give some information in their message about that.
By respecting other people’s events, this helps us be good neighbors to each other and thus insures that groups will remain willing to share their food with the rest of the department when the event is over.
Setting up Direct Deposit
Go to to Student Self Service link to login. Then under Time and Pay click on Direct Deposit. From there you will be able to set up your direct deposit preferences.
OPERS will be taken out of your first paycheck even if you opted out. If you did submit your form to opt out of OPERS they should reimburse you in Octover for the amount they took out in September. However, it is a good idea to call and verify with them that they did receive your form.
More information on OPERS can be found here: OPERS help
Student Center Account Holds
If you are unable to register for classes, there might be a hold on your account. Please check to see if you've signed the Financially Responsibility form as well as checking off your vaccicination status.
How to Apply
Physics PhD Application
Please be sure to select "Physics" from the drop-down menu on the application for what program you are applying for. The Astronomy and BioPhysics graduate programs are separate from the Physics graduate program, and must be applied to separately.
If you have any technical questions about the application (e.g how do I upload..., how do I enter_______ information, why haven't I received my confirmation email yet?, checklist status questions) please contact the Graduate Admissions Office at gradadmissions@osu.edu
General Admission Policy:
Admission to the OSU Physics PhD program is done through an individualized holistic procedure and admissions rubric that considers all parts of students’ applications. In addition to evidence of students’ research and academic accomplishments and potential, attributes such as persistence, creativity, initiative, collaboration, leadership, and potential contributions to a culture of inclusion can play a significant role.
For the 2023-2025 application cycle, general and physics subject GRE scores are optional, with no negative impact on applicants who choose not to submit them. Each application will have an initial holistic review without reviewers knowing if GRE scores were submitted. After this initial phase, GRE scores from students who chose to submit them could be considered as a “plus-factor” by some admissions committee members representing certain research areas, but would not be used to downgrade applicants who chose not to submit them.
We only review and accept applications for Autumn term. We do not offer a terminal Master program.
We offer financial support for all of our admitted students in the form of Graduate Research Associateships (GRAs), Graduate Teaching Associateships (GTAs), and Fellowships, with a current minimum annual stipend of $2,585/month ($31,020/year) for GTAs and GRAs, and $31,020 - $36,000 for Fellowships.
** Self-funded or externally sponsored applicants should contact us with your intent to apply to our program, as we consider these requests on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to apply and you have sponsorship from an outside source, such as a company or government scholarship, please contact the program coordinator directly for more information. Her email address can be found on the Physics Graduate Student home page.
Applicants to the Physics Graduate Program must meet the following criteria of the OSU Graduate School:
- an earned baccalaureate or professional degree from an accredited college or university by the expected date of entry.
- a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative point-hour ratio (on the 4.0 scale used at this university) in the last degree relevant to the program of study earned by the applicant. For international students, the GPA is calculated on the home institution’s grading scheme and the grade key on the transcript is then utilized to approximate an equivalent US grade based on the educational system of that country.
- prerequisite training that will enable the student to pursue the graduate program to which admission is sought, e.g., upper-level physics courses, lab or research experience.
- International students must meet the minimum score requirement of an English proficiency test, as listed below. This requirement applies only to any applicant from a country where the first language is not English, unless a bachelor’s degree or higher was earned in an English-speaking country.
- TOEFL- 550, internet based TOEFL (IBT)- 79, Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)- 82, International English Language Testing System (IELST)- 7.0
Program Requirements for Physics
For more information about Ohio State's Graduate School, please visit The Graduate School at OSU.
International applicants: November 30th. All supporting materials for international students, including official transcripts, letters of recommendation must be received no later than December 10th.
Domestic applicants: December 15th. All supporting materials for domestic students, including official transcripts, letters of recommendation must be received no later than December 20th.
To have a better chance of winning a fellowship, please apply by December 1st. This deadline is not required but is preferred.
Every applicant must start by completing an online application that can be found here: https://gpadmissions.osu.edu Many of the required materials listed below should be uploaded with your application. Please read carefully, and be sure to complete the entire application.
Additional, required, supplementary materials include:
- 1 copy of an OFFICIAL transcript from all colleges and universities you have attended, where college credit was earned
- This includes schools you attended for only a short time (even if the transfer credit shows on another transcript).
- Advising reports or PDF documents of web page listings of courses and grades are NOT acceptable.
- Once received, your transcript(s) will be uploaded to your application by the admissions office. Sometimes that doesn't happen so if it is still missing after 5 working days from the expected receipt date, please email the admissions office at gradadmissions@osu.edu.
- For further information please see the frequently asked questions page on the graduate admissions webpage.
- If you have any difficulties attaching your transcripts, you can email them to gpadocs@osu.edu, and they will upload it to your application.
- Please do not send your transcripts to our department, or to the Grad Studies email.
- Please be sure to redact (black out) all U.S. social security numbers if your transcript copy would use that number.
- Secured, electronic versions of transcripts can be sent to gpadocs@osu.edu.
- Mailed transcripts can be sent here:
GP Admissions
Ohio State University
P.O. Box 182004
Columbus, OH 43218-2004
- 3 letters of recommendation
- We will not accept any additional letters of recommendation beyond the required 3, even though the application system will allow you to request more.
- Although the new application system requires you to enter information for you recommenders, it does not automatically initiate your request for a recommendation. You will receive a confirmation email, after submitting your application, that will give you instructions about how to request your letters.
- You will be able, and expected, to monitor the progress of your recommendations
- Please visit this link to the Admissions Additional Resources page for further information.
- Statement of Purpose
The application requires a two-page Statement of Purpose (see below for Statement of Purpose prompt), and that you provide short answers to three questions.
o You will find this prompt on the application, "Please discuss your academic record, research experience, research interests, motivation for obtaining your Physics PhD at the Ohio State University, and your long-term goals after obtaining your PhD. Please address any substantial gaps or blemishes in your academic record. In addition to evidence of strong physics scholarship and research ability, we are also looking for other qualities in graduate students that would help them succeed and would support and add to an inclusive graduate student culture and diversity of lived experiences. In addition to completing the short answer part of this application, you may include other examples of these qualities in your Personal Statement."
o If you have any difficulties attaching your Statement of Purpose, you can email it to gpadocs@osu.edu, and they will upload it to your application. (Plea
- Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or Resume
- Please limit to 1-2 pages
- This document should be uploaded with your application.
- If you have any difficulties attaching your C.V. or resume, you can email it to gpadocs@osu.edu, and they will uploaded to your application.
- Please do not send this document to our department, or to the Grad Studies email.
- Official English proficiency test score
- This is required of international applicants or those who have held the status of U.S. Permanent Resident for less than one year.
- Minimum scores required for admission consideration: TOEFL- 550, internet based TOEFL (IBT)- 79, Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)- 82, International English Language Testing System (IELST)- 7.0
- If you do not meet the university minimum TOEFL IBT score (79), you cannot be considered for our graduate program.
- We cannot waive the TOEFL requirement or consider scores near (but below) the minimum.
- TOEFL scores are valid for up to two years following the test date.
- Ohio State's institutional code is 1592.
- Applicants who are citizens of, or who have received a bachelor's degree or higher (4yrs or more) from one of the following countries are exempt from the English proficiency requirement: Australia, Belize, the British Caribbean and British West Indies, Canada (except Quebec), England, Guyana, Ireland, Liberia, New Zealand, Scotland, the United States, and Wales.
Optional Supplementary Materials
- Writing Sample (THIS IS NOT REQUIRED)
- If you choose to further elaborate on any publications you may have (as publication should be noted in your resume) you may upload a list of publications, or an abstract
- In total, you should not submit more than 1 page for your 'writing sample'
- Please do not attach any papers, presentations, thesis, etc. They will not be saved, nor printed for your file.
- You should upload your list or abstract(s) in the writing sample section of your application
- If you have any difficulties attaching this document, you can email it to gpadocs@osu.edu, and they will upload it to your application.
- Please do not send this document to our department, or to the Grad Studies email.
- Adding Course Data
- Our intent is for gathering specific information related to the 4 core Physics topic areas only and additional entries will cloud the data we are trying to compile. Transcripts are reviewed in detail as part of our application review process therefore the committee will see the additional courses in physics or related subject areas. If you would like to call attention to particular courses we suggest adding them to a section on your resume about further academic preparation beyond the 4 core physics areas.
Please email gradstudies@physics.osu.edu if you have any further questions about our program or application process. Email the graduate admissions office at gradadmissions@osu.edu for any technical questions about the application.
The application fee for the Physics PhD program $60 for U.S. citizens and $70 for international students. Application fee waivers may be granted to applicants who meet specific eligibility criteria as indicated on this web page: http://gpadmissions.osu.edu/apply/waiver.html
For all students who have economic disadvantages that make the application fee prohibitive, please use that code from the drop down list on your application.
Cal-Bridge students, we have a partnership with your school therefore please email us at gradstudies@physics.osu.edu to request an application fee waiver code.
Please note that it can take up to 7-10 days for fee waiver requests to be processed so please plan accordingly for the due dates for submitting your application by the recommended or required deadlines.
If you would apply to the wrong program , please contact the admissions office right away and ask for their assistance in correcting your application submission.
After you submit your application you will receive a confirmation email from gpadmissions@osu.edu. Please note that it can take a few days for this confirmation email to be sent. If you have not received it within 4 days of submitting your application, please contact the Graduate Admissions office gradadmissions@osu.edu. You confirmation email will assign you an OSU ID and Internet username (lastname.#) with directions to activate your account. You must activate your account to electronically prompt your recommenders for letters, and to monitor the status of your application. Please monitor your spam/junk mail. and send requests for letters of recommendation.
Once you activate your account you can monitor the status of your application at http://appstatus.osu.edu There, you will be able to:
- Verify/update your contact information
- Check your application status by clicking the Application Status link on the main page, then the Status link for the application
- Review what items have been received (and what, if anything, still needs to be submitted) by clicking the Application Requirements tab
We begin our review process in early January. If we are missing any of your paperwork, we will contact you directly via email during that time. We receive a large volume of applications and it is difficult for us to respond to individual requests for confirmation of having received materials, therefore it is very important for you to take responsibility and monitor the status of your application and materials regularly on OSU's application system.
If at any time you do not remember your ID, Username, or password, help is available at http://my.osu.edu. If you need assistance with the activation code request process, please visit 8help.osu.edu; or, contact the IT Service Desk by e-mail at 8help@osu.edu or calling (614) 688-HELP (4357). For those applicants who do know their current password, passwords may be changed or reset by following the instructions at: http://my.osu.edu, or by contacting the IT Service Desk.
We are only able to make offers to about 20% or fewer of applicants based on budget and other considerations, and unfortunately, we have to disappoint many highly-qualified students interested in our program.
Applying to OSU: Belong@OSU Series
Hosted by The Graduate School and our campus partners, this 8-week series of virtual information sessions are designed to guide prospective students through the graduate school application process. Webinars are on youtube.
- Crafting a Competitive Application
- Paying for Graduate School Without Loans
- How to Write a Stand Out Personal Statement
- Successful Strategies for Acquiring Strong Recommendation Letters
Prospective Students
The Vice Chair for Graduate studies will be hosting open office hours at the following times:
Tuesday 11/12 2-3pm EDT
Thursday 12/5 5-6pm EDT
You can sign into any of these meetings using the link here: Join the meeting now
We are a top-25 Physics Department with 60 faculty members and a history of research excellence. We have undergone an aggressive expansion over the past ten years (a new Physics Research Building, 17 new faculty members, and a 70% increase in research funding) focused on emerging areas of physics research.
You can learn more about our research programs.

Our students and faculty also play central roles in three interdisciplinary research centers that are headquartered in the OSU Physics Research Building:
We have also recently developed a new MS to Ph.D. Bridge Program in Physics, which strives to enhance the diversity of qualified applicants to physics PhD programs. This program is directed toward students with a bachelor’s degree in Physics or closely related field who are motivated to pursue a PhD, but require additional course work, training, and research experience to excel in a PhD program.
Belong@OSU Series
Hosted by The Graduate School and our campus partners, this 8-week series of virtual information sessions are designed to guide prospective students through the graduate school application process. Webinars are on youtube.
- Crafting a Competitive Application
- Paying for Graduate School Without Loans
- How to Write a Stand Out Personal Statement
- Successful Strategies for Acquiring Strong Recommendation Letters
Students that receive an offer of admission will have an opportunity to visit our department during our Open House in the spring (generally in March).
Prior to applying to our graduate program, we encourage visits to our department but respectfully request that you make an appointment first to ensure our availability. We would prefer to avoid visits in December and January. These months are among the busiest for the Graduate Studies Office and many of our faculty and students, as well as staff, schedule time away for the holidays. Please contact us directly about scheduling a self guided visit by emailing gradstudies@physics.osu.edu. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.

OSU has a partnership with the Cal-Bridge program. There is a fee waiver available for any Cal-Bridge student who applies to our PhD program. If you'd like more information on the fee waiver, please contact Sierra Brimhall at brimhall.7@osu.edu.
We have designed the graduate program in physics to give you a solid background in the fundamentals, an understanding of the major fields of current research and an opportunity for in-depth investigations. Working with your faculty advisor, you can tailor your program to meet your own needs and interests, taking into account your particular goals and undergraduate preparation.
In the PhD program, you will devote most of your first year and some of your second year to course work. These courses are designed to strengthen and extend your knowledge of the theoretical foundations of physics and to introduce you to areas of current interest in the field. During the summer following your first year, you will be encouraged to join one of the ongoing research programs in the department. As mentioned earlier, teaching associates with satisfactory records are offered special summer-term appointments, free of teaching duties, to enable them to take advantage of this opportunity to explore a research area early in their graduate careers.
From your third year on, you will concentrate on carrying out your PhD thesis research with your faculty research advisor. This work culminates in your PhD thesis defense by about the fifth or sixth year.
The resources of the university and of the physics department are available to assist you with job placement after graduation. Recent graduates now have successful careers at colleges, universities, national research laboratories and in industry.
Qualifying and becoming a PhD candidate
The first step in becoming a PhD candidate is to qualify via the “core-course requirement.” This is accomplished by taking the six semesters of core courses shown earlier in the course sequence box and achieving at least a B+ average in these courses. Students coming into our program with previous graduate-level course experience may petition to waive some or all of these courses.
After satisfying the core-course requirement, research becomes the center of your PhD program. After working for one or two semesters with your advisor, you will prepare for the candidacy examination. This exam is set by your advisor and advisory committee. It consists of a short paper on a topic related to your research project. Admission to PhD candidacy follows the satisfactory performance on the candidacy examination.
The PhD program concludes with a written dissertation, based upon the scientific advances you made through independent research, and an oral defense of your thesis. The average time for completion of the PhD program is about six years.
Becoming a Better Physicist
An important aspect of physics is interaction with other physicists. The Department of Physics at Ohio State encourages advanced students to attend national conferences. It is common for students to present three to four papers at conferences before completing their PhD. The annual Smith Lecture brings internationally recognized physicists—typically Nobel Prize winners—to the department every spring. The weekly colloquia feature easily accessible insight into cutting-edge research in all fields of physics. In addition, each research group also invites collaborators and recognized researchers to present findings in their fields.
Our students publish an average of five papers by the time they graduate, a testimonial to the quality and depth of training they receive. When they graduate, our students are highly competitive in the job market and find employment in many careers, including academics, national research laboratories, teaching, scientific policies and procedure and in industry.
You may contact members of the faculty individually and arrange to meet them if you come to the department for a visit. We appreciate the important role graduate students play in research and are always happy to discuss your needs and concerns.
Research Opportunities and Affiliated Faculty
Diversity of active research areas is one of the great strengths of the Department of Physics at Ohio State. Research spans the entire spectrum of matter, including high energy physics, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, biophysics and astrophysics. Research in physics education is another strong, vibrant field at Ohio State. With recent hires and new center funding, we are especially strong in condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, biophysics, astrophysics, AMO, cold atom theory and physics education research. You will find details of the different research groups on the "Research in the Department" page
Since we select only the highest caliber students for our graduate programs, all regular incoming students are offered financial support. Once accepted into a graduate program in physics at OSU, you will be awarded one of three types of graduate appointments: a teaching associate (TA) position, research associate (RA) position, or fellowship. With any of these appointments, you will receive a monthly stipend plus a full waiver of tuition and general fees.
Teaching Associates: Many of our first-year graduate students are supported through their appointment as teaching associates. These appointments ordinarily are made for the academic year (two semesters). Teaching assignments involve a maximum of eight contact hours of combined laboratory/recitation instruction per week. In this appointment, your responsibilities include teaching, grading and giving individual assistance to students. You also will receive training for this position through the department.
After your first academic year, you will be awarded a special research appointment for the summer term if you have a satisfactory record of academic work and teaching performance for your first two semesters. Your regular stipend is continued during this summer term, but you will have no teaching duties. This appointment allows you to begin research work early in your graduate program. The stipend for teaching associates is very competitive and is re-assessed regularly. The value of the present stipend will be provided with your offer of admission. Excellence in graduate teaching is recognized annually with the presentation of the Hazel Brown Teaching Awards, which include a monetary award as well as a certificate of recognition.
Research Associates: Graduate research associate positions are available to nearly all advanced graduate students. The stipend is equal to that of a teaching associate. This support is obtained from research grants that have been awarded to individual faculty members from either industrial or governmental sources. As a research associate, you will devote essentially all of your time to dissertation research.
Fellowships: A number of prestigious fellowships, including fellowships from The Ohio State University Graduate School and the departmentally funded Fowler Fellowships, are awarded annually to top students. Since these awards require no teaching duties for the first year, fellows take more classes each semester and move more quickly into research. Fellowships are available to students beginning with their first year in the physics graduate program. All qualified applicants, who apply by December 15 with all supplementary materials, including letters of recommendation, received by January 1, will be considered for fellowship nomination.