Wisdom from Nobel Laureate Anne L’Huillier at Student Social Hosted by IOS & Department of Physics

August 20, 2024

Wisdom from Nobel Laureate Anne L’Huillier at Student Social Hosted by IOS & Department of Physics

Students sitting in room 1080 for Dr. L'Huillier's Q&A

From original article on the Institute for Optical Science's page.


The Institute for Optical Science and the Department of Physics hosted a Student Meet and Greet with 2023 Nobel Laureate, Anne L’Huillier. We had a full room of students who had the opportunity to chat with her about her Nobel Prize-winning work.


A student asked about future dreams and aspirations in research.

Anne replied that rather than new research, a future dream of hers is to write a book to help students. "Education is very important. Aim to have a legacy of educating others."

Lou and Anne Student Event


More Gems of Wisdom from the Student Q&A:


Student: Asks a question about how to choose an area of study

Anne: "You cannot be good at everything, that is alright. Choose what you want to do and what you are good at."


Student: Asks about work-life balance

Anne: "If you want to do something, you can manage a lot. Get a good partner." (Anne referring to her husband)


Student: Asks about language barriers in working with people in different countries 

Anne: "There is a very good thing... called English."

Everyone: laughs


Anne: "A big part of science is speaking the same language."


Anne: "I believe in open science and not hiding your work [from the world]."


Anne: "To doubt is part of being human. [After working through it] you might get a good surprise."


Anne: "Being a Nobel Laureate is like getting a new job." (An outcome being less time for research.)


Student: "What hobbies do you have outside of Physics?"

Anne: "uh... hmmm..."

Lou DiMauro: "[Quick,] make up a hobby."

Everyone: laughs


Student: Asks about future dreams and aspirations in research

Anne replied that rather than new research, a future dream of hers is to write a book to help students. "Education is very important. Aim to have a legacy of educating others."


And finally, the crowd favorite:

“Being persistent is more important than being smart.” - Anne L'Huillier

Lou and Anne Student Event

It was a great event, enjoyed by all!