Shaun Hampton, physics graduate student, receives award at SACNAS conference

October 23, 2017

Shaun Hampton, physics graduate student, receives award at SACNAS conference

Hampton photo

Physics Graduate Student Shaun Hampton won the award for best oral presentation by a graduate student in Physics and Astronomy at the 2017 SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science) National Diversity in STEM Conference this past weekend (Oct 19-21) in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This is the fourth year in a row that Ohio State is represented in the awards ceremony.  Three physics graduate students gave oral presentations at the conference: Shaun Hampton, Ethel Perez-Hoyos and Mike Lopez.  In addition to these physics graduate students, the following OSU students and faculty also gave oral presentations:

Matt Anderson, Microbiology Faculty
Andreas Chavez, EEOB Faculty
Melisa Diaz, Earth Sciences Graduate Student
Marcela Hernandez, Staff
Elizabeth Hoskins, EEOB Graduate Student
David Ignacio, MCDB Graduate Student
Miguel Lopez, BSGP Graduate Student

In addtion four others gave poster sessions including 3 undergraduates.  In total OSU was represented by 26 people.

Congratulations to everyone who participated!