Researchers in the US and Japan led by Prof Jeanie Lau and her group observe super spins in carbon sheet

Physics World recently reported on the work of Prof. Jeanie Lau and her group who in collaboration with scientists in the US and Japan have observed for the first time spin superfluidity and very long distance spin transport in an antiferromagnetic insulator made from graphene. The results were published in Nature Physics June 11, 2018.

Long distance spin transport through graphene antiferromagnets (Photo courtesy of Physics World)
Professor Lau's students Petr Stepanov and Shi Che were first authors of the paper with additional assistance from researchers from University of California, Riverside, The Ohio State University, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering-University of California, Riverside and University of Texas at Austin. Please see the PhysicsWorld and Nature Physics articles for full author lists and their affiliations and for full details on this research.
Congratulations to Prof. Lau, Prof. Bockrath and their students and colleagues on this important discovery.