Prof. Mohit Randeria awarded John Bardeen Prize

January 18, 2022

Prof. Mohit Randeria awarded John Bardeen Prize

Mohit Randeria

The 2022 John Bardeen Prize is awarded to Jörg Schmalian (Karlsruher Institute of Technology), Mohit Randeria, (The Ohio State University), and Peter Hirschfeld (University of Florida) “For pioneering theoretical work that has provided significant insights on the nature of superconductivity, its realization in strongly correlated systems, and experimental probes of unconventional superconductors.”

The Bardeen Prize is awarded once every three years since 1991, and past winners include Nobel Laureates A.A. Abrikosov, P.W. Anderson, V. Ginzburg and A.J. Leggett. The Citation for Mohit Randeria reads:
"For contributions to the theory of the BCS-BEC crossover, for providing theoretical understanding of angle-resolved photoemission experiments on superconducting and pseudo gap phases of the cuprate superconductors, and for providing rigorous bounds on the superconducting transition temperature in two-dimensional materials."


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