Physics Graduate Student receives APS Distinguished Student Award

March 13, 2018

Physics Graduate Student receives APS Distinguished Student Award

Hiran Wijesinghe in purple lighting at conference

At the recent APS (American Physical Society) March meeting in Los Angeles, California, Physics Ph.D. candidate Hiran Wijesinghe received an APS Distinguished Student award. The Forum on Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA) and the APS Office of International Affairs co-sponsors the APS Distinguished Student (DS) Program. Academic and research excellence including completion of a research project appropriate for presentation at an APS meeting, student teaching, outreach to schoolchildren and the public, leadership in diffusing the knowledge of physics in one’s home country are among the criteria considered for the Distinguished Student award. Hiran received the award for his research presentation on “A Self-Assembled Flagellated Bacterial Micropump”.  Hiran is advised by Professor Sooryakumar.

Congratulations Hiran!