OSU Physics Students Attend CUWiP Conference January 2024
This January, 12 physics and engineering physics major undergraduate students, as well as five astronomy students, attended the American Physical Society Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP).
Dasha Crocker, Kara DiLudovico, Erin Duell, Aine Fitzgerald, Heidi Gui, Katherine Indyk, Maura Kelley, Emily Macbeth, Vrushti Patel, Anya Phillips, Sierra Reis, and Shelby Summers were all accepted to attend.
Four of our students also presented posters at the conference: Dasha Crocker, Emily MacBeth, Anya Phillips, and Sierra Reis. Congratulations!
The conference took place in Morgantown, West Virginia, from January 19th- January 21st. You can read more about the conference and the host institution at this link. You can also find more at this article on the Department of Astronomy website.
"APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) are three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors. Beginning in 2024, these events will be renamed the Conferences for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics as part of APS's Gender Inclusive Physics Community. " (From the APS website)
Congratulations to everyone who attended the APS CUWiP Conference this year!