Grad Student Jaychandran Padayasi Published in APS PRL

December 27, 2023

Grad Student Jaychandran Padayasi Published in APS PRL

Graphic shown in Jaychandran's APS article

OSU Department of Physics graduate student, Jaychandran Padayasi, was published as first author yesterday on the American Physical Society 29 December 2023 issue of Physical Review Letters (Vol. 131, No. 26) for an article he wrote along with Professor Ilya Gruzberg.

In addition to being published, Jay's article, "Conformal invariance and multifractality at Anderson transitions in arbitrary dimensions," was awarded the distinction of "Editors' Suggestion." This qualification is only given to about one in six of the papers published in the APS Physical Review Letters.

We would like to congratulate Jay on his achievement and help share his work with our department community.


Title: "Conformal Invariance and Multifractality at Anderson Transitions in Arbitrary Dimensions"

Abstract: "Multifractals arise in various systems across nature whose scaling behavior is characterized by a continuous spectrum of multifractal exponents Δq. In the context of Anderson transitions, the multifractality of critical wave functions is described by operators Oq with scaling dimensions Δq in a field-theory description of the transitions. The operators Oq satisfy the so-called Abelian fusion expressed as a simple operator product expansion. Assuming conformal invariance and Abelian fusion, we use the conformal bootstrap framework to derive a constraint that implies that the multifractal spectrum Δq (and its generalized form) must be quadratic in its arguments in any dimension d≥2."


You can find Jaychandran's full article on the APS website.

Congratulations, Jaychandran Padayasi!


 Jaychandran Padayasi
Graphic shown in Jaychandran's APS article