The Smith Scholarship was established in 2016 and is targeted toward physics and engineering physics majors who are in need of financial assistance to cover college-related expenses.
About the donor: Dr. James (Jim) Smith graduated from the OSU undergraduate physics program in 1964. He later went on to earn a Ph.D. and work at Argonne National Laboratory. Now retired, Dr. Smith remains passionate about science and continues to read and learn. Additional information about the scholarship and Dr. Smith can be found at
Eligibility and Application
In order to be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must
- Submit an online application by the deadline (click on link to access application)
- Be a current OSU student enrolled in the Physics or Engineering Physics major both at the time of submitting an application and during the semester(s) the scholarship will be dispersed and be making progress toward completing one of those majors.
- Have at least one semester of classes remaining before graduating.
- Be in good academic standing at the university (overall GPA at least a 2.0)
- Have a FAFSA on file with the university for the academic year the scholarship will be awarded. If you are not eligible to submit a FAFSA, then this requirement will not apply to you.
The 2025 application deadline is on Friday March 28 at 5pm.