
Research Scientist

Post-Doctoral Researchers
Inhee Lee

Inhee is a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. P. Chris Hammel’s research group since 2016. His current research interests are spin dynamics and damping and spin transport in various magnetic systems including spin-torque based magnetic structures, 2D van der Waals ferromagnets, and antiferromagnets. He is currently working on the low-temperature scanned probe spin transfer torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) and auto-oscillation, sub-THz high frequency electron magnetic resonance (FMR/AFMR), and pulsed ESR with NV centers in diamond.
Shekhar Das

Shekhar is a postdoctoral researcher in Hammel’s group since October 2019. He completed his PhD in Physics from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India. During his PhD, he explored the area of topological systems using STM and point-contact spectroscopy. He is currently developing a scanning NV diamond microscope to study the dynamics of the magnetic texture/skyrmions under ambient conditions. He is also working on the h-BN color centers to probe ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dynamics excited by spin-orbit-torque and surface-acoustic-wave.
Janeth Garcia Monge

Janeth is a postdoctoral researcher in the Hammel’s research group since June 2022. She earned her Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Texas at San Antonio. During her Ph.D., her main research was focused on Spin Current Modulation in Ferromagnetic Devices Employing MEMS-Based Microactuating Schemes. Also during this time, she conducted research focused on tailoring and controlling fermionic properties in heterogeneous Si and CdTe quantum dots colloidal solutions and collaborated on the prospective utilization of a variety of Quantum Dots as antifungal.
Graduate Student Researchers
Alex Melendez

Alex is a graduate student who earned his B.S. in Physics & Applied Mathematics in 2017 from Ohio State University. As an undergraduate, Alex worked on detecting the magnetic susceptibility of graphene via cantilever magnetic resonance force microscopy. He is currently working on imaging/characterization of magnetic textures in insulating ferrimagnets using nitrogen vacancy center scanning microscopy, magneto-optic Kerr effect microscopy, and propagating spin-wave spectroscopy.
Francisco Ayala Rodriquez

Francisco is a Graduate student who earned his B.S. in Physics in 2019 from The University of Texas at El Paso. As an undergraduate, Francisco formed part of the Nanomaterials, Interfaces, And Confinement For Energy And The Environment (NICE2) Lab studying super-capacitor systems through x-ray scattering. His current work includes cantilever magnetometry measurements at low temperatures and probing of magnetic dynamics through nitrogen vacancy color centers.
Undergraduate Student Researchers
Matt Shmukler

Matt is an undergraduate student who is currently pursuing a B.S. in Physics and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from The Ohio State University. He joined the Hammel Group in 2020 and has worked on various projects such as the characterization of magnetization dynamics in bilayers of coupled ferromagnetic thin films through micromagnetic simulations. Currently, Matt is working on a low-temperature cantilever magnetometry experiment.
Rohan Adur (Chase)
Adam Ahmed (Metron, Inc.)
Eric Ahrens (Carnegie Mellon University)
Palah Banerjee (University of Wisconsin, Green Bay)
Andrew Berger (NIST)
Vidya Bhallamudi (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras)
Erick Blobmerg
Michael Boss (NIST Boulder)
Jeremy Cardellino (Gaven Industries)
Seongjin Choi (NIH)
Nicholas J. Curro (UC Davis)
Chunhui Du (Harvard)
Sarah Dunsiger
Kin Chung Fong (Caltech)
Michael Herman (Applied Physics Laboratory)
Young Woo Jung (Samsung)
Gleb N. Kakazei (University of Porto)
Jongjoo Kim (Samsung)
Sergei Manuilov (3M)
Joseph A. Martindale
Brendan McCullian (Cornell University)
Tim Mewes (University of Alabama)
Evgueni Nazaretski (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Yuri Obukhov (Hitachi Global Storage Systems)
Michael Page (Air Force Research Laboratory)
Carola Purser (Cambridge)
Arneil Reyes (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
William Ruane (Pillar Technologies)
Nicolas Scozzaro (American Express)
Barbara Simovic (PSI)
Simran Singh (Carnegie Mellon University)
Byoung Jin Suh (Catholic University of Korea)
Andreas Suter (PSI)
Richelle Teeling-Smith (University of Mount Union)
Shane White (3M)
Christopher Wolfe
Guanzhong Wu (Avalanche Technology)
Gang Xiang (Sichuan University)
Yohsuke Yoshinari (Kyoto University)
Chi Zhang (Cornell University)
Zhenyong Zhang (Seagate)