Graduate Student Resources

Graduate Student Resources


The mission of the University Registrar's office is to help identified students enroll and then succeed by providing first-rate customer service to faculty, staff, students, their families, and other publics; with a particular emphasis toward processes related to academic records, academic progress, enrollment data, classroom support, academic certification, fee assessment, and national and institutional testing. We will accomplish this mission by striving toward excellence in everything we do, challenging ourselves to be as efficient and effective as possible in our work, seeking out new and better ways of doing business for ourselves and the publics we serve, and creating an environment in the office and on campus which encourages growth, supports academics, respects people and differences, promotes communication and participation, and promotes a performance culture.


Visit the Registrar website

Ask an Admin for help!

You can check the Physics Research Building room calendar here:

Note that students do not have rights or access to be able to schedule rooms in the PRB on their own

 PRE Candidacy students

  • To schedule a practice session for candidacy exam or to schedule your candidacy exam, please contact the Graduate Studies Office. 
  • To schedule a PRB room for any research activity including group meetings and journal clubs, please contact the administrative support person for your professor.

POST Candidacy students

  • To schedule a practice Oral Defense or to schedule your Oral exam, please contact the Graduate Studies Office.
  • To schedule a PRB room for any research activity including group meetings, annual reviews and journal clubs, please contact the administrative support person for your professor.

Graduate Teaching Associates

  • To schedule a room in Smith Lab for a course review session or other TA office hours activity, please contact Brad Hefner in the Physics Course Support office by emailing  If you would wish to reserve a conference room in the PRB, please contact the Graduate Studies Office.  (Please note that we do not reserve Smith Seminar Room or 4138 outside of business hours M-F 8am - 5pm as access to those rooms is restricted.)

Link to Graduate Physics Newsletter

Summer 2021 and Fall 2021

Information on planning and expensing travel can be found on our updated travel page, linked here.