Enrollment Reminder

Start of classes: Autumn 2024 August 20th (Tues) / Spring 2025 January 6th (Mon) /Summer 2025 May 6th (Tues)


  • Please enroll for the coming term for all courses and research hours and be FULL time enrolled a month before the first day of the next semester's HR appointment start dates.  Procrastinate At Your Own Peril!  (See below for how many credit hours are required to be full time enrolled for a term.)  Start of graduate appointment periods: Autumn 2024 August 16th / Spring 2025 January 1st / Summer 2025 May 6th
  • Step one for registering for classes:  CLEAR Financial Responsibility Statement FIRST which can be found by clicking on your To Do item labeled as that on the right menu in SIS.  
  • ALWAYS verify after you submit your course registration how many credit hours you registered for as you have to change the default of 1 credit hour when registering for Physics 7998 or 8999 research and it is easy to forget to do that!
  • Last Day you can ADD a full semester course ONLINE is the 1st Friday of the term!
  • Deadlines Matter!  You can’t change your mind for enrolling or dropping any course AFTER the first Friday of a term as the First Friday is the deadline for a full refund of tuition.
  • Remember, you should always ADD FIRST then DROP LAST. : )   SIS will not warn you that you won’t be able to add a full semester course after the first Friday as the online drop window is open until the 3rd Friday.   Please check with the Grad studies office if you need to make any changes to your schedule after the fee payment deadline 1 week before the start of a new term.
  • All PRE Candidacy students for Graduate support titles (GAA, GTA, GRA):    Autumn & Spring terms: 8 credit hours minimum but we recommend  maximized registration at 16 credit hours for autumn and spring; Summer Term: 4 credit hours. After registering for any courses, please use Physics 7998 (non-thesis research) for the full semester session that will be meet for the entire term.
  • All PRE Candidacy students on Fellowship or GRA GS-Match funding):   Autumn and Spring terms we recommend maximized your enrollment to 16 credit hours then Summer Term: 6 credit hours. Please use Physics 7998 (non-thesis research) for the full semester session.
  • All POST Candidacy students for all Graduate or Fellow support titles:   3 credit hours ONLY, likely for Physics 8999 (Thesis Research).  If you plan to take a course, please only register for that course if it is 3 credit hours. If it is a 1 or 2 credit hour course, then you would register for the balance of credit hours in Physics 8999. Auditing a course will NOT count toward your credit hours for your employment status therefore you will need to discuss auditing with your advisor AND the Graduate Studies office as it will need to be as additional course registration over your 3 credit hours of Physics 8999 research.  
  • All POST Candidacy students: you will need advisor permission copied to the Graduate studies office to pre-approve anyone registering for extra credit hour(s) over 3 since there will be an extra amount charged for tuition if you go over 3. For post candidacy GTAs, this will require the Graduate Studies office permission working with Profs. Gupta & Heckler for pre-approval.
  • POST Candidacy students that are Dissertation year Fellows, you will need to have the permission from the Graduate school to take any formal course which means that any course that isn't Physics 8999 research.  You should contact the Physics Grad Program Coordinator for assistance with this process if you decide to take a formal course during your dissertation year and you are on a Graduate School Fellowship.

Rev 1/2/25