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Introduction to Digital Logic

ECE 2060: Introduction to Digital Logic

Introduction to the theory and practice of combinational and clocked sequential networks.
Prereq: CSE 1222, 2221, Engr 1222, 1281.01H, or 1281.02H; and Math 1152, 1161.01, 1161.02, 1172, or 1181H; and Physics 1250, 1250H, or 1260; and Engr 1182.01, 1182.02, 1182.03, 1282.01H, 1282.02H, 1282.03H, 1282.04H, or 1186, 1187, and 1188 concurrent, or 1187, 1188, and 1186 concurrent, or major in CIS or CIS-PRE; and CPHR 2.00 or above. Not open to students with credit for 2000, 2000.02, 2000.07, 2001, 2010, or 2017.
Credit Hours

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