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First Year Survival Guide & FAQ

 The OSU Physics Department supports the student developed and run, Physics Graduate Student Council (PGSC), which is the representative body for physics graduate students at Ohio State. The PGSC is an active and engaged group that advocates and facilitates communication and activities between the department and graduate students on all matters of mutual interest. The PGSC holds quarterly meetings and meets regularly with the department chair and vice chairs to discuss issues of concern as raised by the graduate student body. The council also hosts regular social events, mentors new graduate students, helps publicize graduate student research opportunities, organizes an annual graduate research poster competition and "core-course" faculty teaching awards, and generally enhance the social, academic and reserach experience for all physics graduate students. As such the PGSC has developed some great resources for incoming graduate students. Please feel free to browse their First-Year Survival Guide, and their website as a whole. 
First Year Survival Guide: https://u.osu.edu/pgsc/resources


Quick links:
The rule of thumb is that you should always wait for the invitation to take food from an event that you were not specifically invited to. This can be either verbally from a faculty or staff member in charge of the event or via an email from the front desk like this one below announcing leftovers.  If you don’t know what an event is about that has food in the Atrium, then you were probably not invited to it.  Most events do have left overs that they share with others in the department and the front desk is diligent about sending out email to let everyone know. Often there is not a lot left over so they will try to give some information in their message about that.

By respecting other people’s events, this helps us be good neighbors to each other and thus insures that groups will remain willing to share their food with the rest of the department when the event is over.   


Go to to Student Self Service link to login. Then under Time and Pay click on Direct Deposit. From there you will be able to set up your direct deposit preferences.


OPERS will be taken out of your first paycheck even if you opted out. If you did submit your form to opt out of OPERS they should reimburse you in Octover for the amount they took out in September. However, it is a good idea to call and verify with them that they did receive your form. 

More information on OPERS can be found here: OPERS help

Student Center Account Holds

If you are unable to register for classes, there might be a hold on your account. Please check to see if you've signed the Financially Responsibility form as well as checking off your vaccicination status.