July 11, 2015
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room
Add to Calendar
2015-07-11 12:00:00
2015-07-11 21:00:00
PGSC and Physics Computing present a LAN Party
PGSC and Physics Computing are sponsoring a Physics LAN party - Register at goo.gl/cBmsKj and join others playing video games. Pizza will be served at 6 pm.
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2015-07-11 13:00:00
2015-07-11 22:00:00
PGSC and Physics Computing present a LAN Party
PGSC and Physics Computing are sponsoring a Physics LAN party - Register at goo.gl/cBmsKj and join others playing video games. Pizza will be served at 6 pm.
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room
PGSC and Physics Computing are sponsoring a Physics LAN party - Register at goo.gl/cBmsKj and join others playing video games. Pizza will be served at 6 pm.